AMIR: Hey you're watching J-A-K---
JAKE: Say it!
AMIR: --Say it, I know, I'm going to.
[Jake and Amir are sitting on a couch, talking to the camera.]
JAKE: Hey guys, cool news. Me and Amir came out with a thirty-minute special, which you can watch now on CollegeHumor or Facebook for only three bucks, or you can buy the DVD today, by going to
AMIR: That's right, and all proceeds.. go to me! (laughs)
JAKE: That's not true.
AMIR: (to Jake) What- you promised!
JAKE: When?!
AMIR: I'm- Not yet, but I was gonna make ya! (tickles Jake)
JAKE: (pushing Amir away) Heyheyhey, don't touch me. (to the cameraman) Cut. (to Amir) Don't touch me, right?
JAKE: (to the cameraman) Hey, Jon, can I see your frame? (he looks at the presumably turned-around viewscreen.) [Can] You punch in, just a little bit? (The camera zooms in slightly.) Perfect, thank you.
AMIR: So it wasn't perfect.
JAKE: It wasn't; he adjusted it; and now it is.
AMIR: AKA, he's bad at his job!
JAKE: He's good at his job. Please just relax.
AMIR: I will relax, but.. somebody's getting spanked!
JAKE: (to the camera) Most of all, we're excited for you guys, our fans, to see it. We really think you're gonna love it.
AMIR: Yeah, and yet every single one of you hates it. How do you think that makes us feel?--
JAKE: (to Amir) Why are you saying people hate it?
AMIR: Cuz,- I'm insecure.
JAKE: Right, I know.
AMIR: Hhhh. So you just agree with me, right? Is that what everybody's saying behind my back, that I'm insecure?
AMIR: (to the cameraman) Hey boy, what's your social security number, huh? Because I wanna know why you can't get the frame right!
JAKE: (to Amir) Don't call him boy, alright? Let's just get started.
AMIR: I wanna get started, but I wanna know why homeboy over here can't do his job!
JAKE: He is doing his job! You're not doing your job!
AMIR: No, my job is to bring the ruckus.
JAKE: No, your job is to promote the special.
AMIR: No, your job is to promote the special, ok; my job is to bring the ruckus!
JAKE: Stop saying ruckus--
AMIR: Ruckus, yeah.
AMIR: (to the cameraman) Boy? Last four digits of your soc' (pronounced sOHsh), right now; I'm gonna st- I'm gonna jack your I.D.!
JAKE: (to the camera) It was a real group effort, and we're really proud of everybody that helped make it happen.
AMIR: (sarcastically, with air quotes) Yeah, group effort. (laughs)
JAKE: ...It was.
AMIR: (sarcastically) Yeah, ok--
AMIR: (to the cameraman) Hey boy? Can you zoom in on this? (holds up a middle finger) Or zoom in on this, huh! (lifting his pelvis up off the couch and holding his extended middle finger up next to it) You're holding up the process!
JAKE: (to Amir) YOU are holding up the process.--
AMIR: (to Jake, in a whiny voice) He held it up first, he didn't say jack! Now I'm bringing the ruckus, and it's a big deal!
JAKE: (to the camera) So, download or-- Download- ths- ah, sorry.
AMIR: (to Jake) EEgh! (buzzer sound) Time's up, Jon Bon Joovi, ok! Why don't you let a real pro handle it?
JAKE: Fine.
AMIR: (to the camera) So download thz-- Aerrh, So download th-- blalbl-Ah-blalblalblablah--
AMIR: GET the VDD t-eblalblalbla-- Get the VDDdiday, eheh sorry, from the top?
AMIR: GET the VDD zalblalblalbla. I keep on saying deblalblalblalblalblalbblal--
AMIR: (bouncing) GET the DVD-- elblalblalblalbla. Get the VDD d-blalblalblalblalblallea I keep on saying eblalblalblalblalbLEAh.
AMIR: So get the VDD-- blalblalblalbl. (mocking himself speaking too quickly, to Jake) Get the VDdllelblebl. Get the Vedleblebl. No, three, two, one:--
AMIR: So GET the VDd-edledlahh. Sorry. GET the DVD-- Gah! GET the VDD d- nonono, getthevdidididi (laughing) I'm like eahlealhl, mouth's talking a mile a minute, ok (grabs Jake's arm and shushes him) SHH! SHH! Three, two--
JAKE (as Amir is talking): Chill out, you have to chill out, you haey gon (mumbles) --you're losing your shit!
AMIR: So get the VDDdiday, aelahdi, GET the DVDdiday, (laughing) EhuelahalDIDEDEDEDH, I'm like ewlelelblelelelblAHAh,- three, two, one:--
AMIR: So GET the VDDdiday, aelelblehl sorry, Get the DVD d- It sounds like a DIDIDIDIDIDDE, it's like a DIDIDIDID, Sorry,- three, two,--
AMIR: So GET the VDDdiday, saelhedlidledla, GET the DVDtiday, kizitidididid-it sounds like a machine gun-diDIdididididay. (grabbing Jake's arm) Sorry, three, two, one:--
AMIR: --Tideh--
JAKE: Relax, take a breath, no rush, you're fine; don't work yourself up. (gestures towards the camera).
AMIR: (much more calmly and slowly) Get the VDD t- WOW.
JAKE: Wow--
AMIR: GET the DVDdiday! (to Jake) kidizayAh, I dunno, it's- just doesn't sound right--
JAKE: (getting frustrated) You slow it down!--
AMIR: --Sound! Yeah I know, but I'm trying to--
JAKE: Get the DVD today!
AMIR: --thay. GidiDVDdiday. It sounds like a (mimes shooting a machine gun) GIDIDIDIDAY! Let me say it the way I wanna say it. (to the camera) Get the VDD- WOW. Three, two, one: Get the VDD-- (looks as though he's going to slam his hand down on the couch in frustration)
JAKE: We're ne--
AMIR: Ki- ThreeTwoOne, (puts his hand on Jake's arm) Get the VDD t- sorry. ThreeTwoOne--
JAKE: We'll d- use the play-- Don't touch me, I'm really s--
AMIR: Still not a mess-up, keep rolling--
JAKE: It is a mess-up!
AMIR: (to Jake) I'm only messing up to make you feel not as bad. (to the cameraman) Ok can I have the script, please, boy?
JAKE: You know, I only messed up once, so I don't feel very bad.--
AMIR: Yeah well I feel pretty bad! (to the cameraman) Boy (snaps), script, please!
CAMERAMAN: There's no real script.
AMIR: (to Jake) Hhh, there's no real s- okay, (to the cameraman) Failure! You're a failured.